
Zodiac_Air Air Signs of the Zodiac
The element of Air is attached to the signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, It also rules the Third, Seventh and Eleventh Houses.
It is rarefied air which usually surrounds those graced by this Element, as this is the marker of the intellectual.

Air signs are all about action, ideas, and motion—they are the “winds of change.”
When a strong gust hits you, you can’t help but move.
While some within their ranks may be true-life “airheads,” others are as powerful as a gravity-defying G-force.
Air signs bring everyone a breath of fresh air when things start to get stale.
Like the breeze, you can’t quite catch them, and you never know where they’ll drop you once they sweep you up.
It will almost always been an adventure, though.

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